Krzysztof Gdawiec
Wersja polska English version

Fractal Methods in Computer Graphics


I INF CS — Monday (every second week) 13:45-15:15, classroom B-101A

I INF CS — Monday 11:30-13:00, classroom B-101A

The classes will be devoted to the subject of fractals and their rendering. The main topics of the classes include:

  • fractals and their examples,
  • Iterated Function Systems and their attractors,
  • fractal flames,
  • circle and star-shaped set inversion fractals,
  • Mandelbrot and Julia sets,
  • polynomiography,
  • quaternions and quaternionic Mandelbrot and Julia sets,
  • Mandelbulb, Mandelbox,
  • fractal dimensions,
  • strange attractors,
  • fractal tilings,
  • curves and surfaces as an IFS attractor,
  • fractal interpolation.

Passing the classes:

To positively pass the classes, one must get a positive grade from the project.

General remarks on the classes:

  • one must be punctual,
  • everyone works on the assignments independently,
  • joint learning and information sharing is allowed; third party code is not considered as information, so copying code is considered as a fraud,
  • one must follow the academic honesty rules,
  • any attempts of fraud, e.g., submitting someone else's code, results in failing the classes.

Remarks on the project:

  • the project should be an application that gathers several algorithms for fractal generation,
  • the requirements:
    • 3 — at least two different algorithms are implemented,
    • 4 — at least three different algorithms are implemented,
    • 5 — at least four different algorithms are implemented,
  • projects can be made in teams of maximum two students,
  • any programming language can be used,
  • in the project's source code, one must place comments that will make the understanding of the code easier,
  • code quality (readability, proper variables and functions names, etc.) will have an impact on the grade,
  • each project should contain a description (what was the aim of the project, software description, user guide, which libraries were used to create the project, etc.) in the form of a pdf file; the template with the document structure: template.pdf, template.tex
  • the complete project (source code + all files needed to compile the project, the description in a pdf file, the executable version) in the form of a zip or 7z archive should be sent till 23:59:59 19.01.2024; the directories structure of the archive should be the following:
    • bin — the directory with the executable version of the project,
    • doc — the directory with the pdf file and other files that present the project,
    • src — the directory with the source code, the libraries needed to compile the project etc.,
  • sending the project in a term later than the one from the previous point, but not later than 23:59:59 14.02.2024 results in reducing the project's grade by 0.5 grade,
  • sending the project in a term later than the one from the previous point results in failing the classes in the first term and in reducing the grade in the second term by 1 grade,
  • projects in the second term can be sent till 23:59:59 07.03.2024,
  • there is no possibility of changing the final term for sending the projects.